Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sometimes the Daily Happens to You

The daily things I've been discussing thus far have all been under my control for the most part, or at least if they weren't, they were at least in direct relation to be, being that they happened to me. But a few days ago, a daily occurrence entered my life that will remain for the next year, if not more. It has nothing to do with me as it happens outside of my window, yet has everything to do with me, because it happens outside of my window. I can literally see into the building, as if I'm perched in a tree across the street, trying to peer in. I can know what's happening inside at all hours of the day by looking through that window, at least with the help of my imagination, and I have a feeling it won't take me long to get to know the usuals waiting outside to gain entry--something that has become a part of their daily practice.

One thing I know for sure: God has something up his sleeve placing us here with such a view for our first year of marriage, and you can tell him I'm in.

The Millionair Club has just become a part of my daily routine and
I'm hoping it will move from observation to involvement.
Read more about it here.

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