Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Long Live the Basil!

I've been growing herbs for the past couple of months--basil and parsley from seeds. I love watching the growth process and never cease to be amazed by how much the herbs tend to shoot up each day. I've memorized their pattern of growth from my green thumb endeavors last year, which has me waiting in anticipation for what happens next.

Yesterday, however, it seemed that this was what happened next:
Not mine, but equally disheartening.
Having been away for two and a half weeks I had left my beloved herbs in ikea pots in the care of a co-worker at school. Make no mistake, she did quite the lovely job tending to them. It is I who failed by neglecting to get them over the weekend once I returned (so they could get a little drink if nothing else). Of course I have a myriad of excuses--she was gone so her office was locked and I could never quite find the right person with the key... but I could have if I had put more than an ounce of effort to it.

"Ah, well," I had thought, "another year without successful herbs. Perhaps if I replant now I can have sprouts by the time the sun finally decides to shine in the Seattle summer." I watered them anyway, less filled with hope, more of an apology to that poor wilted being.

However, to my complete and utter delight, when I came upstairs today at school to accept my plant's fate, it looked just like this:
Still not mine, but just as perky!
It was completely revived! Resuscitated! Resurrected! Alive! How amazing is that?! (I can't deny: part of me gets some twisted curiosity and fascination with the thought that I can allow it to be on the brink of death and brink it back to life.) I am more proud of it now than I ever was before. And imagine: all in a day's time. 

Long live the basil! (The parsley is still working on it...)

In Progress,

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